Settings for Astro PvP x100
Astro consists of many settings and modifications from the normal game.
You should find the most important ones in this list.
Harvest Amount
XP Multiplier
Taming Speed
Max Tribe Members
8 Man
No Alliances
Auto Unlock Engrams
Excluding Tekgramms for the first week
Character Skill
- 800 max HP
- 0.75x Melee DMG
Crafting speed
- Chemistry Bench: 400%
- Beer Barrel: 500%
Forges speed
ORP Settings
Active after Logout: 45min
Active after PvP Logout: 3h
1.75 Turret Damage
30% less ORP damage
Tribeslot Cooldown
2 hours
Character Despawn
after 24h
Turret limit
Turret Damage
Always Structure Pickup
Structure Collision
False | Unoffi
Structure HP
- Tek Turret 7.5K HP
- Vacuums: 20K HP
- Cliff Plat: 40K HP
- Tree Plat: 30k HP
- Ocean Plat: 42k HP
Structure Limit
- 7K Local Limit
- 200K Global Limit
- 1K max amount of snapped structures
- 1K Cliff Plat
- 150 Tree Plat
500 Spike
10 Cage
30 Campfire
10 Cooking Pot
30 Chem Bench
30 Fabricator
- 100 Behemoth Gate
- 5 000 Vacuum Compartment
Chem Bench / Fabricator limit
Tame limit
Wild Dino Max Level
Tek 180
Egg Hatch Speed
Baby Grow Speed
Enabled after 1h
- Crystal Wyvern
Enabled after 12h
- Managarmr
Enabled after 24h
- Desmodus
Enabled after 48h
- Shadowmane
- Voidvyrm
- Fenrir
- Andrewsarchus
Breeding cooldown
- 40% Breeding cooldown
Disabled Dinos
- Armagasaurus
- Fjordhawk
- Ovis
- Iguanodon
- Oviraptor
- Rhyniognatha
- Ravager
- Megalania
- Enforcer
- Araneo
- Scout Drone
Dino Buffs
- Arthropleura 300% DMG
- Carbonenmys 200% HP
- Daeodon 200% Food
- Fire Wyvern 200% DMG
- Gasbag 500% HP
- Giganotosaurus 180% DMG
- Megachelon 200% HP
- Paracer 300% HP
- Plesio 200% DMG & 240% HP
- Mosasaurus 130% HP
- Equus 130% DMG
- Rhino 500% DMG
- Spino 200% DMG
- Tapejara 300% HP
- Titan 250% DMG & 450% HP
- Terrorbird 350% DMG & HP
- Tropeognathus 150% DMG & HP
- Velosaurus 250% DMG
- Daeodon Infinite Food
- Brontosaurus 750% HP
- Managarmr 250% DMG & 150% HP
- Mek 160% DMG
- Raptor 400% DMG & HP
- Carcha 110% DMG
- Diplodocus 290% HP
- Poison Wyvern 115% DMG
Dino Nerfs
- Shadowmane 50% DMG
- Desmodus 50% DMG and HP
- Voidvyrm 75% HP and 50% DMG
- Astrodelphis 20% HP and 15% DMG
- Andrewsarchus 50% HP
- Griffin to 60% HP
- Astrocetus 90% HP
All dinos Aberration
All dinos are allowed on Aberration
Item Stack Size
Bullets and other items are customized
Loot Quality
Loot Drop Quality: 4x
Fishing Loot Quality: 4x
Extinction [1] OSD Quality: vanilla
Extinction [2] OSD Quality: massively buffed
Removed Items
- Enforcer farming disabled
- Sleeping Bags
- Raft
- Chair
- Zip-Line
- Spray Painter
Modified Items
Tek-Bow: 50% DMG on Players
tranq-mode does not damage players and tamed dinos
explosive-mode does not damage structures
Flamethrower: 75% DMG
Compound Bow: 175% DMG
Tek Hoversail: 1K HP
5k HP but resistance nerfed
Customised Recipes
- Shadow Steak:
no Mushrooms and Rockarrot - Vegetable Cake:
no Sap and Honey.
Night duration
Day duration
Auto Restart
5am and 3pm [CET realtime]
Genesis Missions Points
Crop Growth Speed
Infinite Water
You have water in the ground everywhere
Tek Powers
Teksuit enabled on Genesis Part 1
Structure repair cooldown
120 seconds
Oxygen swim speed
Element Travel
/upload [number]
/download [same number as upload]
Engram Unlocker
/dist 'forge' 'metal'
/dist 'forge' 'wood'
/dist 'Craft station' 'Resource'
Make sure to write it correctly (ARK Item ID Name)
/pull structure 'resource name' amountToPull
/pull inv 'resource name' amountToPull
Make sure to write it correctly (ARK Item ID Name)
Auto Repair
Add the item to the "Repair" folder and make sure you have all the items for it. Every few seconds the items will be repaired.
Fills your Turrets with ammo
Discord Link
/linklog <Discord WebHook>
Shows you the Amount of Lootboxes you have
/loot name
Opens a lootbox, replace name with the Lootbox name: Box, Star, Galaxy, Event, EventLarge
Displays you the Stats of the Dino you are looking at in the Chat
Shows the structure Limit
Connected Structures
Look at a structure
Show Structures in Mesh
Set the ORP Location
Removes the ORP
Astro Antimesh
So that no one can mesh your base
Turret configurator
Point Limiter
Playerlive limit 800HP
Player movement limit 170%
Item Collector
collect fertilized eggs (in front of a Refrigerator / Tek Trough)
collect dropped eggs (in front of a Refrigerator / Tek Trough)
collect Gacha crystals (in front of a Vault)
collect poop (in front of a Vault)
Biome Caller
Dino / structure limit
Displays the structures limit
Displays the dino limit
Baby dino settings
- Auto 100% imprint
- Auto No Ally Look
- Auto Passive
- Auto Unfollow
- Auto Stats Point Name
Private DMG Numbers
Spyglass with points
Global Tribe Manager
Tribe Damage
Geforce Now / VPN not supported
Cryo Command
cryos the Tame your currently looking at
cryos Tames around you in a small range
/cryoall Giga
cryos all gigas
/cryoall Navo
cryos all tames named Navo
You need Cryos in your inventory.
Donators only - Donation Shop
Donation Commands
List of all available kits
/kit "kitname"
Replace "kitname" with the name from /kit
InGame Shop
/shop shows you all kits ingame and the ID
/buy ID replace ID with the name of the kit
Example: /buy pvp or /buy lootbox
/loot Box / Star / Galaxy
To open a Lootbox
/buy lootbox 1
/buy starbox 1
/buy galaxybox 1
Buy a box for points. With /points you can see how many points you have
Check how many boxes you have
/engrams tek [Basic Tek-Engrams]
/engrams alltek [All Tek-Engrams]
Dino Color
/sdc <Region> <Colour>
/cdc <DinoName> <Region> <Colour>
[Region Name List: Body = 0, Face = 1, Side = 2, Legs = 3, Top = 4, Under = 5]